Kenedy FFA
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Class Policies
Class Rules/Expectations:
**Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful!**
1. All students will be seated with materials before the tardy bell rings.
2. Food, drinks (other than a bottle of water), and gum are not allowed in the classroom.
3. Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off and out of sight at all times.
3. Profanity of any kind will NOT be tolerated.
4. Students will not sleep in class.
5. Students will demonstrate respect at all times for fellow students and school staff.
6. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell.
7. Follow all rules established in the “Student Handbook”.
**Specific safety rules for each class can be found on the individual course page.**

Homework Policy: Homework is due the following class day unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.

Late Work Policy:
*Late work will be accepted up to three days following the due date with 10 points deducted for each day late. Any assignment not turned in after three (3) days will receive a grade of zero (0).
*Work previously assigned that is due when a student is absent shall be turned in immediately upon the student’s return to class.
*Students will have one (1) day per day of absence to turn in assignments missed during an absence. Students who will be out of class for extracurricular activities shall communicate with the teacher prior to the absence to determine what assignments, if any, will be missed.
*When a substitute is present, all work assigned is due at the end of the period. Students who are present in class that day will not be allowed to make-up the assignment.

Grading Policy:
Other grades(Test, Projects)  = 60%
Daily grades = 40%


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